Easter Heights by Pierre Bamin

Easter Heights



From a time, many tides ago…🪁

Sכnde, Ista dכn rich
Wi de go na bich
Fambul dεm de kam.
Una si we pipul dεm plεnti?

Ɔl kayn kayt fכ dεm pikin dεm.
Uda gε layn? Di genjin fayn?
Mekes nכ, briz de… bo tray nכ!
Una sεf!!! Tek tεm nכ chεr am!

Jak! Jak am!
Lε i kech
Una lili wan dεm, una rכn biyεn;
Tek tεm i nכ fכdכn na wata.

Go εp yu kכmpin, nכ!
Nכ drεg am na sansan; yu go pwεl di tin.
Wet lε a es am ay… Biya nכ!
Hol am te i kech briz.

Na go i go so!
Luk we i dכn fufu ba!
Di tel nכ bin bεtε.
Layn dכn bכks כp

Laf sote…
A-a, layf bin swit ya.
Tεl Gכd tεnki.
Api Ista mi pipul dεm.

Sunday, Easter’s here.
We’re off to the beach
Relations are going too.
Look how many people.

So many kites for the children.
Who’s got twine? Is the rigging ok?
Hurry, there’s the wind …get a move on!
What are you doing? Careful not to rip it!

Yank! Yank it!
Wait for it to catch
You little ones, run behind;
Careful the kite doesn’t fall in the water.

Why don’t you go help your companion!
Don’t drag it through the sand. You’ll ruin it.
Wait for me to lift it up…. Be patient!
Hold till it catches the wind.

It’s off!
Look it’s going crazy!
The tail wasn’t enough.
The twine is tangled

How we laughed…
Ah, Life was good.
Thank God
Happy Easter to you all.

A Visual Diary

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