Acrylic on Canvas – 100 x 80cm
© Pierre Bamin 2007 – All Rights Reserved
Model: Nadia Strahan
This painting is a personal observation on the effects modern time is having on family development.
Unlike lipstick, parenthood is not removable, rather it is indelible on the soul. The nurturing of a child is spiritual dialogue between the old and the new.
In every corner of our lives today there is a degree of pain and suffering, be it on a personal level or on a global scale. At times it may feel impossible to find solutions for this wave of dis-ease that prevails in our society, seemingly destroying the fragility and beauty of family as we flow along.
Parenting is agreeing to take part in the creation of change, to affect the world around us. It puts aside one’s own desires to nurture that of the offspring’s; this does not mean materialistically, it is done purely with one’s time.
The child’s growth is based on interaction. If ignored, their survival instincts will naturally look to draw from surrounding elements. If those ingredients promote greed, selfishness, deceit, violence etc, there lies the future! Youngsters teach us as much as we do them. Let us listen and reflect with intent.
Time invested in the youth, is time bestowed in the future.
Like any object in the world, neglect results in damage and deterioration. Today, we hear about forest fires, tsunamis and other freak weather conditions . Viewed as a metaphor, Mother Earth has given us her time, yet we do not return ours, and seemingly, these equivalents are showing signs in our homes. We must try to allocate attention to family-life, the aim to contribute positively to the creation of a brighter future.
Serving each other
Human beings are complex and an interdependent species. Our diverse strengths work to serve each other. Decisions we make, whether personally or professionally, sometimes come with a degree of doubt where we seek nods from those in the know; it is no different with our children. The Future looks to us for a defining light; it is from us that this direction must be lit.
“Children see themselves primarily through their parents’ eyes. They look to us to tell them not necessarily what they are but what they are capable of becoming. They depend upon us for a larger vision of themselves and for the tools to implement that vision.”
One must encourage the voice of youth and treat carefully the future staring back at us.

About Nadia Strahan
Nadia Strahan is a beautiful mother of two. A warm, compassionate human being and a performing arts specialist, she is a professional voice coach, offering private tuition from her home studio in Brighton.
You will often find her wowing audiences, both as a solo artist or as one third founding member of Gaslight Productions Ltd; an Immersive Theatre Company based in Brighton and various venues around the South East of England.
Nadia sings with an unmistakeable style, offering an eclectic mix of soulful delivery, funky jazz tones with a passion for music.
Available for private commissions
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