…a little something close to my ‘art
This appeal goes out without prejudice, nor is it an attack to those currently at the top of their game. It is merely a humble plea from a fellow artist, happy where he is and a lover of all things creative…
Over the years of my painting life, it has come to my attention that some notable painters, the pure kind, would often during their seminars, blogs, and demos, take the opportunity to deride the various approaches other artists choose to use to help them arrive at their finished piece. They condemn the use of photographic references in art, calling instead for a much finer approach, this being taught by their good selves, ofcourse, much like the masters of old! They also infer that by not being classically trained, one cannot warrant the label artist.
Though some of these very established talents have come from privileged backgrounds, in other cases lucky to have grown up in the homes of artisans, I do not dispel their belief, nor underrate their talent or approach in how they choose to paint (or how it was taught to them), but I simply ask they please keep in mind that the choice of path, as chosen by those of whom they deem less worthy, are also as vital a component of the many colours on this palette of dreams …otherwise we are merely carbon copies; monochromatic!
Please be neighbourly to the easel next to you!
While there are certain ‘golden’ principals in the pursuit of art, imposing rules that refute those who are merely doing their best to make successful their aspirations given all that is available to them, is not very helpful and simply wrong! Variety, with the ability to break away from the norm, is all part of the wider creative process. Remember that the camera was invented by an artist, albeit a frustrated one. Henry Fox Talbot was innovative and creative, he thought differently. To neglect or dampen the achievements of the many thousands of artists working by whatever means they have to hand, is selfish and limiting to overall growth. It is unfair to believe that those who are not from classically trained backgrounds should rescind all rights to the title ‘painter’ or ‘artist’! That being so, should we assume that the likes of Hendrix and Yeo are not worthy of their accolades?
Live, draw freely and allow others to do the same, confrères. There is plenty of paint for all.